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abstruse theoryの例文


  • "The Cyborg Manifesto " is a strange document, a mixture of passionate polemic, abstruse theory and technological musing.
  • Hassan smoked a small Davidoff cigar and punctuated his discussion of sometimes abstruse theories with a boisterous laugh.
  • Richard Friederich Arens, a mathematician steeped in abstruse theories and abstractions, died on May 3 at a Los Angeles hospital.
  • Its " abstruse theory " that more pay will lead to more demand and increase industrial output meant that for the first time a government was backing excessive pay rises, he said.
  • In a science laden with Latin terminology and abstruse theories, Charig was known for his ability to make the most complex ideas clear, through his straightforward, cut-to-the bone prose and his sometimes colorful expressions.
  • People were willing to put up with his abstruse theory of semiotics in return for the wit, the brains, the enthusiasm, the sheer mastery he brought to " The Name of the Rose ."
  • Reviled and adored in equal measure for his role in subverting the art of architecture into a cerebral game, Eisenman has made a career of designing buildings based on abstruse theories and creating a lot of noise about it.
  • Such a finding would delight many physicists who have been suggesting for years that the accepted theory, called the standard model, contains deep conceptual faults that can be remedied only with a more advanced and abstruse theory called supersymmetry.
  • As Strzygowski could naturally not allow himself to adopt the methods of his opponents, he devised a tabular method of " " Planforschung ", " which was supposed to guarantee absolute objectivity, but in hindsight was completely impracticable and clearly intended to justify his abstruse theories.
  • And what precisely should be the appropriate response to the meticulously documented exhibit dealing with the lives of Madelena Delani, described as a lieder singer who suffered a rare form of memory loss, and Geoffrey Sonnabend, the chimerical author of an abstruse theory contending that forgetting, and not remembering, is what is natural to human beings.